Copyright: 2007
Krista and David used to be best friends, until they got to the age when it wasn't cool to be friends with a girl or a guy any more. When David is temporarily paralyzed from oxygen deprivation, he and his family begin having problems. David's mom leaves for a while to stay with her sister, and David and his father have trouble cooperating.
Since David is paralyzed, his hopes for joining the swim team this season are crushed, but his father encourages him to work out in the pool daily to regain his strength.
Meanwhile, Krista is confused about her friendships and growing up. She still wonders who gave her the candy box in grade 3, and if her crush likes her back. Slowly, David and Krista become even better friends than they were before, and everybody learns to go their separate ways; even the tadpole Krista and David raised for a class project.
I thought this novel was AWESOME all the way through. Told form David's and Krista's perspectives, Jane Breskin Zalben creates vivid and realistic characters that are easy to relate to. The story is symbolic in parts, amazing in others, and even touching in more. This novel kept me hooked all the way through. The novel is perfect for people who are not a fan of fantasy or action, or for lighter readers. I would definitely recommend it.
Rating: ****
To Read Not to Read
I will read this at some point don't worry:)